Firefox load temporary addons
Firefox load temporary addons

firefox load temporary addons firefox load temporary addons

These are extensions that block a new background tab from loading until it is selected. HoldTab, LoadTabOnSelect, LoadTabOnSelect Evolution, and LoadTabOnSelect 3. Otherwise, a shift middle click must be used. If that setting is changed to true, a mouse middle click will open a bookmark in a new tab in the background. false (default): Load the tab in the foreground.(Control behavior of new tabs opened from bookmarks and history.).A preference to reverse that behavior is in the about:config page: A bookmark opened in a new tab is not loaded in the background by default. Otherwise, a shift middle click can be used to create a background tab. If 'When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately' is unselected in Firefox's Option page, a mouse middle click on a web page link will create a new tab in the background. Various commands or settings for the extension can be accessed in the toolbar button popup or in its Options page. They will be ignored and the extension will work around them.

firefox load temporary addons

Tabs with these URLs may get stuck in the line. Some URLs may not be viewable by an extension, like URLs that launch applications. An exception is a moz-extension URL that belongs to this extension. Tabs with URLs that can't be blocked and that were added to the line will quickly be removed when the URL is viewable. In many cases, the URL to be loaded in a new tab can't be viewed by this extension when the tab is created and added to the line. Only tabs with http or https URLs can be blocked from loading by this extension. This extension was designed for users with slow internet connections that routinely open multiple background tabs at the same time. The first blocked tab in the line is then allowed to load. A tab is removed from the line once it has finished loading. Load Background Tabs Lazily places newly created background tabs in a line and allows only a specific number to load, while blocking the rest. This extension tries to duplicate some of the behavior of Load Tabs Progressively, an addon that has not been updated to work with newer versions of Firefox.

Firefox load temporary addons